Moral issues

Modern Mennonites do not have a list of “do’s and don’t.” Some of the more conservative groups have stricter sets of rules. More modern Mennonites tend to have guidelines, such as the following:

True faith in Christ means:

  • A willingness to do the will of God, rather than willful pursuit of individual happiness.
  • Seeking first the reign of God in simplicity, rather than pursuing materialism.
  • Acting in peace and justice, rather than violence or military means.
  • Giving first loyalty to God’s kingdom, rather than any nation, state, or ethnic groups that claim our allegiance.
  • Honest affirmation of the truth rather than reliance on oaths to guarantee truth telling.
  • Chastity and loving faithfulness to marriage vows, rather than the distortion of sexual relationships.
  • Treating our bodies as God’s temple, rather than allowing addictive behaviors to take hold.
  • Performing deeds of compassion and reconciliation, rather than letting sin rule over us.