Reconciling Truth on the Road to Peace
The challenge of addressing victims’ claims continues to surface in the analysis of the peace accord discussions. How can an agreement be reached when there are victims of all armed actors wanting reparations, justice, and truth commissions?
Matthew’s 2014 Media Matters Mix Tape
In the spirit of my National Mid-Year Music Award Day in July, I made up fake awards for these 14 songs. The awards may be bogus but the songs are legitimate winners.
Driving Herself: My Mother
The freedom we gain at ages 15 to 17, when we first get a driver’s license, becomes one more loss in the journey of life.;;
Jury duty
Many of us in North America today may not face the choices that our ancestors did, but it still tests our discipleship to engage with our tradition and beliefs under present governments.
Antarctica: A Year on Ice
These are the people who choose alternative paths—people whose cold-nipped faces blaze with life and a self-deprecating sense of humor over their love affair with a place that, in winter time, brews the equivalent of a Category 1 hurricane every week.
Do You Believe?
We too need the company of other persons of faith as we take up the journey of finding, believing, and following Jesus.;;
Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
The camera also dances around characters in a fluid mesmerizing way, frequently zooming in for stunning close-ups that really let the actors shine.
Home sweet home?
But sometimes, as was the case with Kenia, nobody awaits them and no one knows where they belong.
Changing the World: One Random Act at a Time
Whether we’ve just spent a wallet full of cash or racked up Christmas shopping bills on the plastic, it always feels good to toss a token dime or dollar in the kettle, doesn’t it?;;
World Religions: Sikhs, Seventh-day Adventists, And Mennonites
an Interfaith Special, To Be Broadcast Sunday, Dec. 14, 2014 On The CBS Television Network