Drew G. I. Hart Archive

Should the church take sides or stay neutral with the #BlackLivesMatter movement?

December 17, 2015 Drew G. I. Hart

Originally posted Nov 25, 2015 by Drew G. I. Hart on his blog Taking Jesus Seriously at ChristianCentury.org The struggle has come near, so what should we do? When is it the right time to take sides, standing with those that live with the daily threat of violence, suffering, and death? Who decides? In the midst of 400 years of white supremacist terrorism many Christian communities still do not want to take sides. Neutrality and the middle way has always been a tempting option for those not directly violated by the concrete death-dealing forces taking people’s lives away quickly through bullets […]

About The Author


Drew G. I. Hart

Drew G. I. Hart is a blogger, PhD candidate in theology and ethics at Lutheran Theological Seminary, part-time professor, and activist. He is the author of Trouble I've Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism, to be published January 19, 2016.

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